Sunday, January 29, 2012

Michael Goes Climbing

Two women stood talking in the sunlit streets of old flushing* three hundred
years ago.
They were talking, as their descendents
do today, of their children, of their husbands’
wages, of the price of food. Suddenly one of
them broke off and, pointing to a little boy
cried, “Ah, there goes that Michael! I can
hardly keep my hands off that little rascal!”.
“Why?” asked the other turning to look
at a lively little boy who walked past with
his hands in his pockets.

“I never saw such a spoiled, proud and
useless rascal of a boy in my life! Cried the
first. “He is never happy unless he’s making
mischief or doing something to call attention
to himself. He must always be the first. He’ll
come to a bad end, and I hope I shall live to
see it.”
The other woman thought for a while. She said, “Ah well, daring some-
times turns to courage.
He’s a bold little rascal; he’ll never make a poor, respectable citizen like
his father; he’ll go far but whether on the right road or the wrong one, who can
tell yet?”
Meanwhile the boy had passed on into the market place. He was idling
about in the sunshine on the look out for mischief. All at once he saw it calling to
him. Workmen had been salting* the church spire, and their ladders starched
invitingly from earth to steeple.

All children like climbing up into high places to see if the world looks any
different from an apple tree or a housetop; over and above this love of climbing
Michael had, as the woman said, an argue to think that had never been done
before. As he gazed at the spire, an idea leaped into his mind – he would the first
person in Flushing to stand on the golden ball beneath the weather-vane.
He turned his eyes around. No one was looking Michael began to climb up
the ladders. At the top of the tower there rose a slated spire, crowned by a
golden ball and weather vane. Michael at the last found himself sitting on the top
of the ball, holding on by the van. He was hot, out of breath and not a little giddy.
Presently he heard workmen moving below. He did not bend over to look,
or speak. He was not going to be pulled before Flushing had been seen him. He
died away, and Michael sat resting.
At last he felt ready to give the town a surprise. He pulled himself to his
feet, and, keeping firm hold of the weather vane, managed to stand on the top of
the ball. It was well that he had a cool head and iron nerves.
Someone must have looked at the vane by chance and seen his little figure
outlined against the blue sky and cried out .In a minute or two Michael was
delighted to see the market place full of people who had rushed out of their
shops and houses to gaze at the giddy sight. It was wonderful have all those eyes
and hearts fixed upon oneself !

But Michael did not intend to stay there until he was taken down, to be
handed over his father and punished before the crowd. After a little he prepared
to descend of his own free will.
He learned over the ball. The ladder had gone. The workmen had taken it
A sudden feeling of sickness and giddiness came over Michael. He mas-
tered it. No doubt the people saw what had happened and would send for the
But to wait for rescue was a poor sort of end to his mischievous adventure.
He would come down alone, even if it coast cost him his life.
The spire at the base of the ball was only half slated. And Michael saw
some hope of gaining a foothold on the old part. He put his arms round the top of
the ball and left his body swing down; he was just able to feel the first slate with
his toes. Those to d were sod with iron toecaps, for Michael was hard in his
shoes. Michael kicked with his armoured toes till the slate broke and fell in; then
he got a foothold on the wooden laths beneath. *
He rested for a minute, with aching arms and a stiff body. He could not slide
down with his arms around the ball; for the middle of the ball was much too big
for his arms. He must let go his hold on the ball, and some how grasp the spire
below. One false movement, and he would be thrown to his death on the hard
ground below.
Slowly he begins to slide his hands together at the top of the ball, and then
downwards over its sides. Every inch is packed with peril; every inch pushed
him backward toward death. It seemed to him that he would be too weak to hold
on when the time came for him to grasp the spire.
But at last the steady, deadly creeping of his figures brought him to a point
where he could bend forward. With a sudden snatch he caught the base of the

The next moment he was kicking out a stairway in the old slates on the
spire, and climbing down rapidly. He reached the foot of the spire, lifted the
trapdoor* of the tower, ran down the steps, and was caught by his father in the
The streets were filled with white-faced people telling each other that never
in their lives had they seen anything so dreadful as that child leaning backward
in the air.
“ I said he’d come to a bad end!” cried a woman, wiping the moisture from
her forehead with a trembling hand.
“Wait and see!” replied her neighbor.
They waited. Michael took care to maintain his reputation for mischief,
until his father lost all hope for him and sent him to sea. Suddenly he grew tiered
of the wrong road and determined to give the right one a trial. As the women had
foreseen, he marched down it with the same courage and determination.
One day an old woman visited her bedridden neighbor. “ Have you heard
the news?” she cried. “The English fleet has been destroyed off Chatham. What
a victory for little neighbour? Do you remembered the day be climbed the church
spire? Who could have guessed then that whole world would ring with the name
of Admiral Michael Adrianzoon de Ruyter?”
(Adapted from The Children’s Encyclopedia)
Note – During the 17th century the English and the Dutch often fought
against each other on the high seas. There were great seamen on both sides.
As the Admiral of the Dutch Navy, de Ruyter won several victories over the
English. There was great fear in London on one occasion when he sailed up
the Thames victoriously. He is considered the greatest seaman ever produced
by Holland and one forth greatest ever in the world. You may be interested to
now that as a young man de Ruyter came to India with the Dutch merchantships.

*A town in Holland
*Covering the spire with pieces of slate.
* The slates were fixed on a framework of wooden laths. When the slates were broken the
laths would appear.
*A door in the roof.

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